St John's Anglican Cathedral

St John's Anglican Cathedral
The Anglican Cathedral of St. John the Divine, St. John's, Antigua, West Indies

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Second Cave In

First Slabs removed 14 October 2010

We decided to remove the floor slabs intact with the hope to cut them into smaller sections and sell them as paving stones.  Even these first few sections were extremely heavy.  In order to move the larger pieces we obtained a pallet jack and a few pallets.  The idea was to wrestle the slabs onto the pallets, lift them with the pallet jack and wheel them out of the Cathedral.  However on the first day we tried it, 15 October, we had our second cave in when the removed slab, pallet jack and worker went through the main aisle.  Thanks be to God again, the pallet jack took the brunt of the damage with the worker only suffering a slightly swollen ankle.  The slabs were then shatterd with a sledge hammer and taken out in pieces.

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