St John's Anglican Cathedral

St John's Anglican Cathedral
The Anglican Cathedral of St. John the Divine, St. John's, Antigua, West Indies

Monday, November 15, 2010


There are a number of tourist websites that describe the architecture of the Cathedral as Neo-baroque.  But just what is this style?

The Baroque Revival or Neo-baroque was an architectural style movement in the early 20th century. The term is used to describe architecture which displays important aspects of Baroque style, but is not from the Baroque period proper—i.e., the 17th and 18th centuries. -Wikipedia

Baroque  is an artistic style prevalent from the late 16th century to the early 18th century in Europe...........characterized by dynamic movement, overt emotion and self-confident rhetoric.
...........Baroque architecture ....a means of impressing visitors and expressing triumphant power and control.- Wikipedia
The Széchenyi Medicinal Bath in Budapest

St. John's Cathedral
What do you think?  Does it impress visitors?  Does it express triumphant power and control? It is Neo-baroque?


  1. It is indeed triumphant. It is a very stately and dynamic piece of architecture with a rich history. What an honor to be a part of its restoration. Thanks for letting us follow along.

    You know, the very first time I saw my husband and you was in this cathedral, walking up to the altar with your mother on Christmas eve at midnight service. I didn't know you yet, but I still have that image of you both with your mom surrounded by incense in that beautiful, beautiful church .
