St John's Anglican Cathedral

St John's Anglican Cathedral
The Anglican Cathedral of St. John the Divine, St. John's, Antigua, West Indies

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cathedral myths and mysteries

For years we have heard that the Cathedral is built on a volcano or that there was some mysterious dark hole in the foundation.  Well the following pictures will show the closest thing we have found to this.  It is we believe an inspection hole or manhole of some sort.  We thought that it was connected to the rainwater drain system underneath the aisles but we have not found any connections.  This hole is located right next to the north door by the vestry.  It was hidden beneath a small section of pews that were built over it right next to the stairwell.  Given the superstitious nature of people years ago, it is not to hard to imagine how this feature could become the source of these stories.  It looks innocent enough in the pictures because the flash illuminates the bottom.  But even on the brightest days it is a dark and mysterious hole.


  1. So interesting! What is the whitish stone? it looks sort of like ice in the pictures.

  2. It is the remainsof the lime based mortar. Alot of the stone work of that time was cemented with a lime based mortar. The floor slabs that surrounded this hole were cemented in place with this. So after their demolition you will see a lot of it around.
