St John's Anglican Cathedral

St John's Anglican Cathedral
The Anglican Cathedral of St. John the Divine, St. John's, Antigua, West Indies

Saturday, December 11, 2010

What does the restoration mean to you?

I started this blog in response to a request from committee and vestry members to keep a diary.  Truth be told with only one exception (Rememberance Day) I have not really posted my thoughts and opinions on this forum.  This blog is principally about the restoration construction activities that take place at the church.  More often or not when speaking about this blog I often say the blog, not my blog.  I prefer the restoration to have its own spirit and own identity and not be too unduly influenced by my opinions.  But who am I fooling?  Being invovled at so many levels and in so many ways, that is wishful thinking.

So now I am moved me to do something different today.  No doubt I am motivated to respond in someway to the barage of criticism that we have received in the press lately (Is the Cathedral's Integrity Being Undermined?).  And as much as I have tried to avoid it I will be making an "appearance" this Monday on Observer radio's Voice of the People.  Truth is the cirticism is actually a Godsend.  And much of the fears expressed have been due to a lack of information.  People have the right to know and criticism can be a good thing. 

But while my response on Monday will be to inform and assure people, the purpose of this post will be to publicise my personal motivation on this restoration. 

"Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18

This restoration is and will continue to be technically challenging, financially intimidating and emotionally draining.  What manner of insanity possess us to attempt this at these times?  There are people who claim that we should close the Cathedral and build a new one.  The Restoration of St. John's Cathedral is worth it because of the beauty and significance of the building.  It is also an active house of worship.  Furthermore many Antiguans have expressed sentimental feelings for the Cathedral.  These are all good reasons for restoration.  But for me I see that the Restoration is a sermon.  A sermon in which all of us have a part to play and a part to say.  I do not believe that God needs the Cathedral in order to express His power and majesty.  He has far greater wonders on this planet and throughout the Universe.  But I believe He is pleased with the effect that the Cathedral has on our hearts.  The challenges we will meet and wrestle with and overcome will only be worthwhile in so far as they bring us closer to God and say to the world that we are a people who love our Creator.  Technically challenging, financially intimidating, emotionally draining but spiritually uplifting.

"Preach the Gospel always; use words only when necessary."


  1. Beautifully stated. God alone is the guide.

  2. Obviously opinions have been formed before making sure of the facts. It is the spirit of the Cathedral that is the most important part and that will always be intact when people of faith and caring are working on her. Rest assured God knows all. Peace be with you.
